Saturday 4 September 2010

Crochet- Baby shoes

I like to knit, sew, crochet baby shoes, I crocheted this pair using ROWAN 4 ply cotton mixed milk protein. The result is lovely. I made two pieces for a sole and stitched them together so the sole was shape nicely. I think the wooden bear button goes with the creamy color of yarn quite well. These shoes stay on baby feet perfectly.
Cotton is good for summer, I am going to crochet two more pairs using 4 ply wool mixed cashmere for my friends ' grandchildren in winter.  I love to work with 4 ply yarn for baby shoes, they are cute and the creamy color can go for boy and girl


  1. Hi Pixie

    Thank you again for your visit, I sell my handmade goods at etsy,, it is about $18.50.
    Please visit my shop if you like my creations.

    take care and please pop in again.
